Best digital marketing training institute – ICSE Mohali
ICSE is the best digital marketing training institute that provides a live project training institute in Mohali under the guidance of a very well-trained and experienced faculty. Join the best digital marketing training institute in Mohali with job assistance.
Come and join one of the most aspiring courses of Digital Marketing with ICSE’ Mohali and get ready for job placement of your choice.
- Before You Build Your Site know your target website
- Decide Page elements
- Understanding Web-Site Optimization
- Does hosting matter?
- Domain-naming tips
- Powerful titles
- Creating great and Unique content
- Fussy frames
- Cranky cookies
- Design Concerns
- Duplicate content
- Hidden pages
- Dealing with updates and site changes
- Understanding Keyword Placement
- Alt and Other Tags and Attributes
- Meta description tags
- Anchor text
- Header tag content
- Body text
- URLS and File Names