Computer Hardware & IT Networking

Computer, Lap top, I Pad, Mobile phones etc are the basic tools and equipments on which all the IT platforms are operated and performed. With rapid pace and advancement in the field of computer Science & Engineering and Mobile technologies, Data communications and IT networking has become the backbone for all the business entities across the world.

Semester I

1. Overview of Data communications

2. Introduction to Computer Networks

  • LAN
  • MAN
  • WAN

3. Network Coverage

4. On the basis of area of coverage

  • Definition
  • Network Components
  • Network Hardware

5. On the basis of relationship

  • Peer to Peer Model
  • Client Server Network
  • Hybrid Networks

Semester II

1. OSI reference Model

2. TCP/IP Model

3. Brief on Transmission Media

  • Optical Fiber cable
  • Twisted pair cable, Coaxial Cable
  • CAT V, CATVI, UTP & STP Cable

4. Routing and Switching Protocols

5. Brief on Cyber/Network Security

Duration: 1 Year

“Networking Professionals provide connectivity to various IT system Nodes over a local LAN or WAN Networks and then manage all IT activities of the business enterprise over these IT networks. The primary job profile of all hardware & networking professionals will be to plan, design, establish and operate any Organizations Computer and IT Networks.”

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